Consultation Workshops Pre-Primary to Year 6 Mathematics curriculum

Wednesday, 18 September 2024 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Webinar - Webinar
Coordinator/s: Marcela Pasquini

Places available: 33 of 60

To assist teachers and stakeholders to review the proposed curriculum, consultation workshops will be held for the proposed Mathematics Curriculum Pre-Primary to Year 6 in the metropolitan and regional areas. The workshops will familiarise stakeholders with the proposed curriculum content for Pre-Primary to Year 6 Mathematics and provide participants with an understanding of changes to the learning area content to assist them in completing the Authority's consultation survey.
Event notes
Registrations will close two working days prior to the event. Participants are required to bring a device to complete the survey.

Registration form

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Have you registered for a School Curriculum and Standards Authority event previously? You may be eligible to skip some registrations steps. Enter your email address to check.